Study Material of Tax Laws for CS-Students

New Study Material of Tax Laws for  CS-Students

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Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has issued Study Material of Papers relating to Taxation for the students going to appear in June, 2015 Examinations. The Institute has on its website published pdf version of the full books of the Taxation papers for Students of Executive Programme and Students of Professional Programme.

The material published is available for the students appearing in CS-June, 2015 Examinations in Tax Law and Advance Tax Law Papers. Further the material is based on Finance Act 2014.

According to the words written in the respective study material, "The course material is unique in its treatment of various provisions of the relevant Acts. Income Tax, Central Excise, Customs, VAT and Service Tax pose the peculiar problem of being subjected to frequent changes either by legislative amendments or by issue of notifications, orders, trade notices etc. Every effort has been made to give the latest information, wherever possible including changes made by the Finance Act, 2014."

Applicable Provisions

According to the Study Material, the Assessment Year for June 2015 examinations is 2015-2016 and all other changes made through notification etc. and made effective six months prior to the examination will also be applicable.

Download the PDF

The material issued by the Institute on its official website [] is available as follows:

Study Material of Tax Laws and Practice [For Executive Programme]

Study Material of Advanced Tax Laws and Practice [For Professional Programme]

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